Blue Shift

Instead of all the punditry, please just show me a chart like this.


Our official quarantine in Argentina began on my birthday. Without many other options to communicate, I've been texting a lot more than usual. Here's what that looks like.

Spaced Repetition Algorithms

A look into some simple functions for use in timing spaced repetition.

Miami to Mumbai

In "the lower 48," not all neighborhoods are created equal. A view of how the different barrios of Argentina's capital compare to cities I'm familiar with in the USA and elsewhere in the world.

Give Or Take

Can we visualize protectionism? A few different ways to look at Argentine trade relationships.


There was a social media campaign last year united around the hashtag #amigadatecuenta, wherein the goal was to raise awareness of the problem of microviolence and abuse within relationships.

Some Pretty Gauges

A simple, beautiful, highly configurable gauge chart written in d3.js.


Stop telling me my barrio is gentrified. Stop telling me your barrio is gentrifying.